A Wish, a Gift, and a Goal
A Wish, a Gift, and a Goal

The season of giving is upon us. And no matter your religious, philosophical or political leanings, one thing is clear this time of year: people throughout the land look for opportunities to help both others and themselves wrap up the year on the right foot. With that in mind, we thought we'd suggest three simple, dental-oriented ideas that can help you start the promise of the year a bit early, and in good stead. The Wish There’s no better wish to ask for, regardless of the season, than good health. With that in mind, be sure you are maintaining a healthy diet and are regularly seeing your dentist. The Gift You may be aware of charity organizations that assist children and adults with mouth and facial reconstruction surgery living in impoverished areas of the world.
In certain parts of the world, children who grow up with these concerns are often shunned from their villages. They grow up to lead ostracized lives with little hope of regaining entry to a normalized society.
During this season of giving, perhaps you might consider a donation to a charity or cause that you believe in. Perhaps do this instead of purchasing some new toy for yourself.
The internal reward we experience when giving to others in need remains with us far longer than does our latest gadget choice, so consider helping someone or some charity you hold dear this season. The Goal Goals are commonplace this time of year, and many times we don't quite make it through to fulfilling most of them. Even something as simple as flossing nightly easily falls prey to life's ordered chaos.
To fare a little better this year, consider checking out a few books that offer great actionable advice. They’ll help you stay on top of commitments, reign in distractions, and strengthen willpower. This way, you can actually floss and save your teeth for later in life.
Here are our two of our favorites to get you started: Getting Things Done, by David Allen; and, Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney.
There are more tips and tricks in these books to last a lifetime. Enjoy!
Have a truly wonderful close to your year, and we wish you a pleasant, joyful, successful New Year to come.
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